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Wrigleys Private Client Associate Orlando Bridgeman named as one of the 2024 eprivateclient NextGen Leaders

09 September 2024

Being recognised for this accolade demonstrates the outstanding talent of “next generation” lawyers at the firm.

This annual listing supersedes the ePrivateClient UK and UK Crown Dependencies Top 35 Under 35 which ran for five years.  It seeks to identify and celebrate the rising stars of the private client profession spanning tax, trust, law and accountancy. 

From the start of his time at Wrigleys, Orlando has developed a particular specialism in advising Wrigleys’ numerous landed estate clients on private client law. He has built up a trusted base of clients who seek his advice on a range of issues from restructuring dynastic trusts to high level, high value tax planning advice. 

Managing Partner and joint head of the Probate, Trusts and Estate Planning team Marie-Louise Hamilton, commented: 

“He is a trusted and dedicated legal advisor acting on behalf of clients across the UK; including trustees, entrepreneurs, family partnerships and landowners.” 

Angus Hunter-Smart, Partner in Trusts and Estate Planning in Wrigleys' Leeds office adds:  

“Orlando brings multifaceted expertise to the firm not only within private client but also in rural wealth - joining Wrigleys in 2020, he serves the firm’s clients in the Northeast and beyond.”


Orlando Bridgeman View Biography

Orlando Bridgeman


09 Sep 2024

Wrigleys Private Client Associate Orlando Bridgeman named as one of the 2024 eprivateclient NextGen Leaders

Being recognised for this accolade demonstrates the outstanding talent of “next generation” lawyers at the firm.

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