Community Right to Bid
The community right to bid was introduced through the Localism Act 2011 which allows the Academy Trust to make an application to the Local Authority to register land of "community value" (which can be either private or public land). The land must have been used or is currently used for furthering social well-being or social interests of the local community and will continue to do so to be registered as land of community value e.g. a community centre. If the land is subsequently registered as being of community value and that land was ever for sale then the Academy Trust would be notified and given a right to bid on the land.
This is not a right of first refusal nor does it mean that the Academy Trust's bid would be accepted but it does put the Academy Trust on notice that the land is up for sale (avoiding any potential quiet sales) and would enable a bid to be made if it decided to do so.
Please note, that School land could also be registered as being land of community value and if the Academy Trust decided to dispose of land at some point, the community right to bid could also have a negative impact upon the Academy Trust and delay any potential sales.
If you do receive a notice that the School land has been listed as land of community value, please contact us urgently and we can advise you further of these implications.
Further details
If you have any queries about the impact of the Act please do not hesitate to contact the Schools team at Wrigleys on 0113 204 1144