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March 2025

The Social Care 360 report reveals a 'doom loop' in social care, with rising costs leading to fewer people receiving publicly funded long-term care.

January 2025

The government has announced the launch of a new commission to reform adult social care.

November 2024

Latest statistics released by the NHS Digital indicate that social care deferred payment agreements are on the increase.

August 2024

Permanently off the menu?

March 2024

These FAQs cover topics related to caring for elderly relatives.

March 2024

Why is it such a big issue and what has the Court said?

July 2023

The Liberty Protection Safeguards delay could lead to a better outcome. Judge Eldergill suggests.

June 2023

If the person who has been injured is mentally capable, they and their trustees can negotiate a support payment with a family member.

December 2022

Recommendations from the 2011 Dilnot Commission report on social care are once again placed on hold.

September 2022

Deprivation of capital – new guidance issued by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

April 2022

Ensuring recovery, rehab and reablement are commissioned within ‘existing budgets’.

March 2022

The government has begun consulting on draft amendments – responses need to be sent by the 7th July 2022.

February 2021

This issue came up recently in the case of E v London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham [2021] EWCOP 7 and here is what happened.

November 2020

Local Government Ombudsman considers whether deputyship costs should be allowed as an expense in residential social care means testing.

October 2020

Is the LGO making the right call with complaints around deprivation of capital? We look at two recent decisions which have raised concern.

September 2020

Public concern fails to trigger a meaningful investigation.

July 2020

We look at the law and our experience of transferring contracts from a local authority to the deputy.

April 2019

Marie-Louise Hamilton has been appointed managing partner and will start the role in May 2019.

February 2019

The meaning of the phrase "nursing and other healthcare"

May 2018

Recently, gaps in insurance meant injuries by a carer might not be covered. Wrigleys have now solved this issue and offer direct employment packages.

March 2018

Discover a thorough review of Austin Thornton's guide on residential care payment, covering the Care Act 2014 and eligibility.

February 2018

Our book launch saw solicitor and author Austin Thornton introduce his book; Paying For Residential Care: A Guide For Private Client Practitioners

December 2017

Austin Thornton discusses regulation and risk management in the direct employment of care staff focussing on CQC registration and insurance problems.

May 2017

The Conservative party manifesto includes a proposal to raise the limit for means testing of capital to £100,000. Wrigleys consider the implications.

May 2017

The Conservative party manifesto includes a proposal to raise the limit for means testing of capital to £100,000. Wrigleys consider the implications.

February 2017

A comprehensive report by Age UK adding to the debate about the long term viability of funding for the care of older people.

February 2017

Radio 4's Today programme has a series highlighting the crises in health & social care by reference to the personal experiences of family and carers.

November 2016

Notwithstanding double-recovery, the Council wasn't entitled to refuse to provide after-care services when an applicant was in receipt of a PI award.

October 2016

Age UK study highlights how cost pressures on care homes arising from the funding crises in social care adversely impacts on self funding residents.

October 2016

We consider a joint study by The Kings Fund and the Nuffield Trust on the impact of spending cuts on elder care.

July 2016

This guide provides up to date care and support advice and information for people in Sheffield

July 2016

This guide provides up to date care and support advice and information for people in Sheffield

June 2016

The RCGP has made autistic spectrum disorders a clinical priority for the years 2014 to 2017.

June 2016

Click to download a talk that considers the scheme for making NHS Continuing Care eligibility decision in Wales

June 2016

LGO finds maladministration against Solihull Council for not following Fairer Charging Policy

May 2016

The Health & Social Care Information Centre has published statistics on Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) written complaints

May 2016

Wrigleys is pleased to announce 3 promotions in its private client and charity property teams.

May 2016

A new study shows that there was a 20% drop in the incidence of dementia in the study group, driven by a reduction in men across all ages above 65

April 2016

Practice guidance published for Social Workers on ABI

April 2016

Age UK have produced an online map of the risk of loneliness in England for people aged 65+

April 2016

In a report published on 7th April 2016, The Kings Fund has identified 3 major challenges for the NHS:

April 2016

The Department of Health has produced an amended version of the Care Act Statutory guidance.

March 2016

Public Health England and the UK Health Forum have published a joint statement on reducing risks for dementia in the population.

March 2016

Report highlights how adults on the autistic spectrum (including people with Asperger's Syndrome), are more likely than others to suffer early death

March 2016

New guidance for health and social services on improving their support for disabled young people approaching adulthood

March 2016

But local authorities say that central government must pay

March 2016

On April 6th 2016 Wales will implement its own comprehensive legislation in social care.

March 2016

New guidance for health and social services on improving their support for disabled young people approaching adulthood.

March 2016

Commons Public Accounts Committee says evidence shows long term neurological conditions are not a priority for Department of Health and NHS England

February 2016

Social care funding problems will worsen without additional help says Local Government Association

February 2016

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates standards in care homes in England.

November 2015

An alarming new report reveals the number of people who leave major decisions about housing, assets and care to chance.

September 2015

Wrigleys celebrates another successful year for its trainee recruitment process, and welcomes Trusts and Estates specialist solicitor Kieran McIvor.

July 2015

A group of our staff cycled 40 miles across the Yorkshire hills, between the Sheffield and Leeds offices to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society.

June 2015

Wrigleys are proud to join the Office of the Public Guardian's new panel of Deputies.

April 2015

Wrigleys have supported the Dementia Action Alliance to produce a free booklet to help those living with dementia & their families.

March 2015

Dementia Friends Champions Charlotte Buckley and Amy Slinn have held Friends' information sessions for 96 people at Wrigleys...and counting!

October 2014

The intestacy rules apply to estates of people who have died without a Will. We summarise the main changes in the law in force from 1 October 2014.

September 2014

Should an attorney pay care fees while a dispute about NHS Continuing Care funding is under way?

June 2014

Wrigleys consider what impact the NIC Employment Allowance has for deputies and families who employ carers.

June 2014

High Court rules on social care means-test disregard of personal injury damages managed by deputies.

June 2014

Austin Thornton looks at the High Court case referred to in the recent Daily Mail claim that 10,000 families pay care home bills unnecessarily.

June 2014

The Government has announced a plan to help improve the public understanding of Lasting Powers of Attorney.

May 2014

With the advent of direct payments to people for council and NHS care, are Independent User Trusts still relevant?

April 2014

The Department of Health has published a guidance note for the assistance of local authorities and those caring for people who may lack capacity.

April 2014

A local authority has been successfully challenged after including a compensation award in the means test for residential care benefits

April 2014

A new Code that came into force on 1 April 2014, has been introduced to help protect members of the public seeking advice on a Will.

March 2014

The judgement in the Cheshire West case clarifies the test by which it is determined that a care home resident is 'deprived of their liberty'.

March 2014

Wrigleys Community Care team advised a matrimonial solicitor concerning a proposed settlement of matrimonial property in ancillary relief proceedings

March 2014

Summary of a successful appeal for continuing health care from the NHS for a woman in her thirties suffering from a profound learning disability

March 2014

A local authority sought to move a young man with profound disabilities from a successful day care placement.

Load more
25 Mar 2025
Peter Parker Headshot

Demystifying contractual terms for charities: understanding termination rights in charity contracts and avoiding the pitfalls

Summary: Explaining the pitfalls of contract termination for charities. The detail is important, and timing can be everything!

20 Mar 2025
Janice Jefferies Headshot

Understanding the Social Care 'Doom Loop': Insights from Social Care 360

The Social Care 360 report reveals a 'doom loop' in social care, with rising costs leading to fewer people receiving publicly funded long-term care.

18 Mar 2025
Peter Parker Headshot

Demystifying contractual terms for charities: Penalties

Encouraging contractual performance - the carrot or the stick? What are penalties and why are they problematic?