Advice for establishing and developing community land trusts
We can help you establish a community land trust and develop housing and other assets for the benefit of your community.
We have our own model rules for a community benefit society, which can be adapted for use by community land trusts ("CLTs") and are particularly suitable for those looking to raise finance via a community share issue.
Our community land trusts clients include:
- Town councils and parish councils
- Lune Valley Community Land Trust
- Leeds Community Homes, Leeds
- Yorspace, York
- Brighton and Hove Community Land Trust, Brighton
- Above Derwent CLT, Cumbria
- Tipi Valley CLT, Wales
- Hay Habitat Limited, Manchester
- London CLT– St Clements development - Click here to read their story: St Clements development case study
We offer all new community-led housing groups a free 20 minute initial meeting or telephone call, to help get you started. Please get in touch with our community-led housing team to arrange this.
You may find the following article helpful:
To stay updated with the latest CLH news, sign up to our CLH mailing list and receive a free copy of our Guide to Legal Structures for Community-Led Housing.
Watch our video in which the Wrigleys community-led housing team share stories of legal issues faced by CLTs and how these were solved:
‘Above all, they take a real interest in us as clients and as people with hopes and fears, plans and dreams, which generates a lot of confidence for us in their handling of our affairs.’
Legal 500 (2025)
'Wrigleys’ assistance has been invaluable in helping us achieve a legal structure and to set up the purchase of our intended property…from the outset this has been done with a high degree of professionalism.'
The Open House Project.
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