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Leeds: 0113 244 6100

Sheffield: 0114 267 5588


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"Thanks so much for all your help, advice, patience and effort from day one to today - I can’t imagine how this would have turned out without your skill and stamina."

- A son acting for his mother in a care fees dispute

"Your impact has definitely been felt by all involved, it’s efficient, intelligent and dynamic. I can feel that the opposing party are raising their standards, as soon as they hear from you."

- Sister of disabled man challenging care package

Wrigleys health and care law team provide expert advice to personal injury litigators

Wrigleys Solicitors, operating through Wrigleys Trustees Ltd, our trust corporation, is one of - if not the - biggest  independent providers of professional deputyship, trustee and attorney services to the personal injury sector in the UK.

We are independent because we do not do personal injury work. So when you refer to us, you are not building the strength of your competitor firms.

We are committed to excellence in our service to the PI sector. This often means we are ahead of the curve in identifying problem areas that our clients will face once their litigation is over.

Few practices provide expert health and care advice but our innovative health and social care law department has proven time and again that professional advice in this area is essential for clients, their litigation solicitor and the case managers supporting them.

If your client will receive a reduced settlement then access to statutory funding may be essential. The form of award may impact on their ability to access statutory funding. Failure to address this in the form of award report may result in a claim of negligence if access to statutory funding is barred.

Reverse indemnities and "Peters" undertakings can cause significant problems for claimants and their representatives post settlement if improperly formulated and in the latter case may be unlawful. This could result in post settlement conflicts and expensive and unfunded judicial review proceedings.

We are very experienced in running direct employment arrangements and understand the regulatory employment and insurance issues. Wrigleys trust and deputyship service is almost unique in providing high level health and care legal support to case managers who greatly value this expertise.

Claimants injured as children who will grown into adults but with diminished capacity are well catered for by the availability at Wrigleys of expertise to deal with complex welfare issues, for example relating to deprivations of liberty, independence from family or consent to enter sexual relations.


FAQs on Deferred Payments

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General Enquiry



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NHS Continuing Care Enquiry



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