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Wrigleys' 32nd Annual Charity Governance Seminar

Thursday 5th October, 2023 |
Cloth Hall Court, Quebec Street, Leeds LS1 2HA

Please see pricing information

We invite you to join us for the Wrigleys’ 32nd Annual Charity Governance Seminar on 5 October 2023, where we will be discussing key governance issues and topical matters which charities face on a regular basis.

Our seminar is suitable for senior members of charity Leadership teams and charity trustees.

We have informative sessions planned that will cover a wide range of topics, including cyber security, charity accounting, campaigning, navigating serious incidents, plus many more. We are delighted to welcome Kim Shutler MBE, Chief Executive of The Cellar Trust and Sue Tibballs OBE, Chief Executive of the Sheila McKechnie Foundation as our keynote speakers.


Save £10 when booking early bird rate



Welcome and introduction

Malcolm Lynch, partner in our Charities and Social Economy team

Reflections on a changing sector

Presented by Malcolm Lynch a partner in our Charities and Social Economy team

Keynote speaker

Kim Shutler MBE, Chief Executive of The Cellar Trust

Kim has been the CEO of The Cellar Trust since November 2014. Before moving into the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE), she worked in organisational development, employee wellbeing and communications roles within the public sector. Kim has an MSc in Leadership and is an Institute of Leadership and Management qualified coach.

Kim was awarded an MBE for Services to Mental Health in 2022.

Refreshment break

Merchants Hall

Breakout 1a: Cyber security update for charities: Identifying the risks and learning how to avoid them

This session is designed to provide charities with a comprehensive overview of the current cyber security landscape and the risks that come with it. We will cover best practices for preventing cyber threats, the implications of a successful attack, and how to take steps to better protect your organisation. We will also review how robust governance can strengthen your preventative and protective efforts. 

Presented by Hayley Marsden an associate at Wrigleys Solicitors and Chris Hannett the Director of Cymplify

Breakout 1b: Charity accounts and annual reports

This session will cover issues which regularly arise in charity accounting, including fund classification, reserves, and compliance with the Charity SORP. We will also look at how engaging with a robust annual report can showcase your charity to third parties. 

Presented by Ian Potter a partner at Wrigleys Solicitors and Michael Speight an Audit Director at Mazars LLP

Breakout 1c: Environmental, social, and governance for charities

Join our speakers for a practical look at ESG as applied to the charities sector. Whether your organisation is new to ESG or has already made significant progress integrating the principles, our speakers (who have expert backgrounds in sustainability, charity governance and employment law) will work with you to explore some of the key stages involved in developing an ESG approach that is tailored to the needs of your organisation.

Presented by Sophie Henson and Michael Crowther, associates at Wrigleys Solicitors plus Jody Harris from jmh sustainability


Merchants Hall

Keynote speaker

Sue Tibballs OBE, Chief Executive of the Sheila McKechnie Foundation

Sue is a charity leader, campaigner and commentator. Previously, she was CEO of Women in Sport, where she oversaw a spectrum of campaigns aimed at unlocking the potential of women’s sport.

Refreshment Break

Merchants Hall

Breakout 2a: Creating change through campaigning and political activity: what can charities do?

In this breakout session we will explore the legal framework within which charities are required to conduct campaigning and political activity, particularly as we head toward a possible election year in 2024. The session will focus on several case studies and examine the potential benefits and risks of undertaking such activity, including but not limited to decision making protocols, reputation and brand management and potential pitfalls. 

Presented by Fiona Wharton, partner, and Daniel Lewis, solicitor, both of Wrigleys Solicitors

Breakout 2b: Why so serious? Navigating serious incidents in your charity

This session is a practical guide to serious incident reporting for charities. We will look at what needs to be reported, how to make a report, and what the Charity Commission expects to see. We will work though scenarios, placing you in the shoes of trustees dealing with situations at a range of charities, so you can put it all into practice. 

Presented by Nat Johnson, partner, and Laurel Sleet, solicitor, both of Wrigleys Solicitors

Breakout 2c: Charities Act 2022 – where are we now?

Charities Act 2022 – trustees may be aware there have been recent changes in charity law, some now in force and some yet to come. But what do these changes mean for you and your charity? In this session we will highlight some of the key new provisions to be aware of and what this means in practice for trustees and senior leaders. Focussing particularly on key governance areas and property disposals.

Presented by Joanna Blackman and Caroline Wilson, associates at Wrigleys Solicitors

Charity governance update: top ten

Presented by Clare Lawrence, partner in our Charities and Social Economy team

Closing remarks

Malcolm Lynch, partner in our Charities and Social Economy team


for further information contact: The events team on 0113 204 1122 or at
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