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Event Information

For societies other than energy societiesLaw Commission Consultation - a briefing

Monday 11th November, 2024 |
This will event take place online

This event is free to attend

You are invited to join Malcolm Lynch, a partner at Wrigleys Solicitors, for an insightful discussion on the ongoing Law Commission Consultation regarding the Cooperatives and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Malcolm will explore the potential impacts of this consultation on societies and consider possible responses. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and ask questions during the session.

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Malcolm will explore the potential impacts of this consultation on societies and consider possible responses. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and ask questions during the session.


Or for further information contact: The events team on 0113 204 1122 or at
25 Oct 2024

Employment Rights Bill – what can employers expect?

The Labour government takes first steps in implementing manifesto promises on employment law reform.

21 Oct 2024

Law Commission Review of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Consultation Paper No.264 September 2024

Law Commission consults on modernisation of Co-operative and Community Benefit Society law. Deadline 10th December 2024.