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Tim Wrigley


Telephone: 0113 204 5743

Office: Leeds

Department: Property

Position: Partner

Areas of practice:

Tim qualified as a solicitor in 2009. Tim specialises in property work for charities, schools, educational and religious institutions, social enterprises and other not-for-profit organisations. This work includes:

• sales and purchases,
• leases,
• specialist charity and trusts issues such as permanent endowment, designated land, and reverter of sites,
• obtaining authorities and enabling schemes and orders from the Charity Commission,
• funding work including grants and mortgages, and charity law aspects of borrowing lending and security,
• community asset transfers from local authorities to community organisations, and
• advising on community and localism rights.

Tim also deals with mergers and transferring a business activity from one entity to another and related governance arrangements; including advising on legal structures and trustees' duties. This work includes establishing intragroup relationships between charities and their trading subsidiaries, including establishing a trading subsidiary company, resourcing that subsidiary, property and management arrangements, advising on managing potential conflicts, and obtaining the necessary regulatory consents.

Tim is a member of Wrigleys' Education Team and advises schools on the conversion to academy status, Trust or Foundation status, establishing free schools, dealing with PFI schemes and all related property matters. Tim has personally dealt with well over 100 academy conversions and academy transfers from one trust to another. He is also a member of the Department for Education's academies solicitors workshop forum providing feedback from the Academies sector to the Department and acting as an independent sounding board for policy developments.

He regularly speaks and leads training sessions on all these areas and has contributed to Charity Law Association's working parties on topics such as Charities' powers to create permanent endowment.
Tim worked for the Charity Commission before joining Wrigleys and has worked with charities and schools for around 15 years. He is a trustee and company secretary of Leeds Music Trust.

Tim has written the following articles:

News article by education property solicitor Tim Wrigley Charities Act 2022: Changes to the Law on Dispositions of Charity Property

Professional memberships:

Charity Law Association
Charities' Property Association


07 Mar 2025

Mark Beech qualifies

Mark joins our Probate, Trusts, and Estate Planning team in Leeds.

06 Mar 2025

School employee’s dismissal due to reputational risk of Facebook posts was belief discrimination

Court of Appeal: dismissal was not a proportionate response and could not be justified.

04 Mar 2025

Financial sanctions guidance for charities

Receiving overseas donations? Working internationally? OFSI guidance for charities relating to their compliance with financial sanctions regimes.